Tuesday 3 July 2012

On The Trail - 
Part 2

In part 2 we showed your children how the Bible teaches that in order to truly show God that we love him, we must obey.
We told the story of Moses and the ten plagues on Egypt found in Exodus 5-11. In this story Moses goes to Egypt and tells Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, to let the Israelites go and be free from slavery. Pharaoh refuses and makes life harder for the Israelite people.  Moses never stopped obeying God. In this way Moses showed love for God. The Bible tells us in John 14:15 “If you love me, obey my commandments.” (NLT) Just like Moses showed love by being obedient, we should be obedient as well.
All of the elements of today’s lesson were for the purpose of teaching your children that the best way to show our love is by being obedient to God and to those in authority over us.

CRC Kids Church:
A place where kids learn more about Jesus in a safe and fun environment

CRC Kids Mandate:

To create a soul winning generation 

CRC Kids Vision: 
  1. To equip children to become the next generation of leaders within a safe environment
  2.  To be trendsetters by using cutting edge technology and dynamic praise and worship 
 CRC Kids Mission statement:

A place where the kids want to be 



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